Nationally Accredited Qualifications
Project Management Qualifications
BSB40920: Certificate IV Project Management Practice

The qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge in a wide variety of contexts. The job roles that relate to this qualification may include Contracts Officer, Project Administrator and Quality Officer.
Individuals in these roles work autonomously, and might be members of a project team, with no direct responsibility for overall project outcomes. Primarily, these roles would support wider project operations. They may use project tools and methodologies selectively to support organisational or business activities.
The Centre for People Development bring learning and insights of projects from policy to construction, Health, Government and IT. The combination makes for a dynamic, practical and relevant course for all participants.
If you are looking for a course which turns the theory into practical tools and techniques, this is it.
BSB50820 – Diploma of Project Management

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge in a variety of contexts, across a number of industry sectors. The job roles that relate to this qualification may include Project Manager and Project Team Leader. Individuals in these roles have project leadership and management roles and are responsible for achieving project objectives. They possess a sound theoretical knowledge base and use a range of specialised, technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate their own work and/or the work of others.
The Diploma of Project Management is for individuals who have project leadership and management roles with responsibility for achieving project objectives, including:
- Managing projects in many contexts, covering diverse industries, in both the private and public sectors as well as NGOs
- Providing leadership and management for achieving project objectives
- Applying sound knowledge and using a range of specialised, technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and monitor, and evaluate projects
Training and Assessment Qualifications
TAE40116: Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

This qualification reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.
This qualification (or the skill sets derived from units of competency within it) is also suitable preparation for those engaged in the delivery of training and assessment of competence in a workplace context, as a component of a structured VET program.
The course will develop your skills and knowledge in the competencies required for
- Analysing the training needs of others and contextualising training programs to meet their needs
- Understanding the National Vocational Training System (VET) and your role as a trainer working in the VET system
- Designing accredited learning programs
- Preparing effective training and assessment plans
- Developing coaching and group facilitation skills
- Developing resources to support the delivery of training
- Planning, conducting and validating assessments.
Qualification structure:
This qualification requires the completion of 9 Core Units and 1 Elective Unit.
- TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes
- TAEASS402 Assess Competence
- TAEASS403 Participate in Assessment Validation
- TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
- TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
- TAEDES402 Design and Develop Learning Programs
- TAEDES401 Use Training Packages to Meet Client Needs
- TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy, and numeracy skills
- BSBCMM 401 Make a Presentation
TAESS: Nationally Accredited Skill Sets

Training and Assessment Qualifications can be built up slowly over time using Skill Sets. Skill Sets provide a set of targeted competencies and can be used to facilitate training and undertake assessment in the workplace. Some of the Skill Sets offered by CPD include:
- Training Design Skill Set (3 units)
- Workplace Assessor Skill Set (3 units)
- Facilitator Skill Set (3 units)
- Distance Learning Skill Set (3 units)
- Volunteer Trainer Delivery Skill Set (2 units)
- Volunteer Trainer Delivery and Assessment Contribution Skill Set (3 units)
- Workplace Supervisor Skill Set (3 units)
- Work Skill Instructor Skill Set (2 units)
- Online Learning and Assessment Skill Set
The course will develop your skills and knowledge in the competencies required for
- Analysing the training needs of others and contextualising training programs to meet their needs
- Understanding the National Vocational Training System (VET) and your role as a trainer working in the VET system
- Designing accredited learning programs
- Preparing effective training and assessment plans
- Developing coaching and group facilitation skills
- Developing resources to support the delivery of training
- Planning, conducting and validating assessments.